Believe School app on google assistant

I am preparing a Trivia app for everybody who studies English as a second language to review key vocabulary and grammar .  You need to have your cell phone or other device set to English – U.S.A for it to work. 

Eu estou preparando um jogo de perguntas e respostas para todo mundo que estuda Inglês como segunda língua revisar vocabulario chave e gramática.  Voce precise ter o seu celular ou outro equipamento (ipad, tablets) configurado para Inglês – Estados Unidos para o app funcionar.

See privacy policy below

Privacy Policy for Believe School on the Google Assistant

The content for Believe School has been developed by Believe Idiomas. However, Believe School runs on systems provided by Google, and Believe Idiomas does not have full access to the app. In particular, Believe Idiomas has no ability to access the messages you send to Believe School or the responses that it sends back to you.

Believe Idiomas may receive from Google non-personally identifying information about the use of Believe School. For instance, Believe Idiomas can access usage information regarding how many users are using the app, which geographical regions they are located in, and basic data including users’ language, device type, and length and frequency of use. None of the information Believe Idiomas receives from Google identifies you, nor does it reveal to Believe Idiomas what information you sent to the app or what specific responses the app sent to you.

When you use Believe School, you are also using the Google Assistant, and the Google Privacy Policy describes how Google collects and uses data about your use of the app. You may wish to consult Google’s documentation regarding what information is shared with your Google Assistant and how to delete your Google Assistant activity.

Believe Idiomas may, in the future, modify Believe School to run on infrastructure which Believe Idiomas has full access to, which would allow Believe Idiomas access to additional information about your interaction with the app. Should that occur, Believe Idiomas will comply with its obligations under applicable privacy law, including updating this Privacy Policy as required.



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