Treine seu inglês com o google assistant-tools


Roll a dice
OK Google, roll a dice
OK Google, roll a 12-sided dice.
OK Google, toss a coin (jogue uma moeda)
OK Google, flip a coin
Ok, Google, heads or tails 
( head= cabeça, tail =rabo)
No brazil dizemos cara ou coroa
Count  and Countdown
Ok Google, count to 20
OK Google, countdown from 20 to 0
Ok Google, count to (number)
OK Google, countdown from (number) to (number)
Random number

Random significa aleatório
OK Google, give me a random number between 5 and 50
OK Google, give me a random number between (number) and (number)
MathOK Google, What’s 35 plus 18?
OK Google, What’s 100 minus 6?
OK Google, What’s 354 times 11?
Ok, Google, What’s 254 divided by 2?
Ok, google, What’s 10 % of 200?
Measurements converter:OK Google, how many centimeters are in one inch?
OK Google, How many miles are in a kilometer?
OK Google, convert 15 miles in kilometers.
OK Google,  Convert  182 centimeters in feet
Ok google, convert  2 gallons in liters
Ok, google, convert 50 degrees Fahrenheit in degrees Celsius
OK Google, what is the dollar currency today?
OK Google, how much is 100 Euros in dollars?”
Ok, Google, How much is 110 dollars in reals?
Ok, Google. Convert 10 pounds in reals
Clock and International clock
OK Google, what time is it?
OK Google, what time is it London?
OK Google, what is the time zone between  London and New York?
OK Google, what is the time difference between  Paris and São Paulo?

Setting alarms
OK Google, set an alarm for 6:00 a.m.
OK Google, wake me up at 6:00 a.m.
OK Google, set an alarm for 6:00 a.m. that plays Phil Collins
OK Google, set alarm for 7am on Friday
OK Google, wake me up at  7am on Friday
OK Google, set an alarm for 7 am called Medicine
OK Google, set alarm for 7am every day
OK Google, wake me up at 7am every day
OK Google, set alarm for 7am every Monday
OK Google, wake me up at 7am  every Monday
OK Google, set a music alarm
Ok, google wake me up with music
(it will ask to say the name of a song, singer or playlist)
OK Google, set a media alarm
OK Google, wake me up with media
(it will ask you to say a radio station. You can say the frequency (example 89.9) or the radio station name (npr news ) or be more specific ( 93.9 new York)
OK Google, set a Ninja Turtle alarm
It will ask if you prefer Leonardo, Rafael, Donatello or Michelangelo
Ok, google set a Lego alarm
It will ask you if you prefer Lego city, Lego friends or Lego life alarm
Checking and canceling alarms
OK Google, when is my alarm set for?”
OK Google, when is my Friday alarm?” 
OK Google,When is my medicine alarm?”
Ok, google, what time is my alarm?
OK Google, what alarms are set?
Ok, google, what alarms do I have tomorrow?
Ok, google, snooze alarm
Ok, goggle, cancel alarm
Ok, google, cancel all alarms
OK Google, set a timer for 10 minutes
OK Google, how much time is left on my timer?
OK Google, cancel my timer
Remember  things
OK Google, Remember  that my car is in front of the school
OK Google,  Where is my car?”
Ok, google, forget about my car
OK Google, Remember  that (objects)  is (location)
OK Google,  Where is (object)?
Ok, google, forget about (object)
Ok, google, what did I ask you to remember?
Ok, google, my mother is Mary
Ok, Google, what did I say about my mother?
Ok, google, forget about my mother
Ok, google, (family member) is (name)
Ok, google, remember that my mother’s birthday is May 18
Ok, google,  When is my mother’s birthday?
Ok, google, remember that (event) is on (date)
Ok, google remember that my WiFi password is_____.
Ok, google, what is my WiFi password?
Remind things
Ok, Google remind me to get the new book  at 6:00 p.m
Ok, Google remind me to teach the extra exercise tomorow at 9:00 a.m
Ok, Google remind me to (activity)  on (day) at (time)
Ok, Google remind me to (activity)  at (time)
Ok, Google, what are my reminders?
Ok, google set a reminder
(It will ask you questions)
Location based reminders
(lembretes baseados na localização do usuário)
Lembrar de fazer algo quando você for a uma loja ou prédio especifico. Voce recebera o lembrete no celular quando entrar numa loja ou prédio.
Ok, google set a reminder to buy shampoo at the store
Ok, google, , set a reminder to pick up more coffee at the supermarket
Ok, google, set a reminder to take photos at the museum
Ok, google set a reminder to (do something)  at (place)
PS: é preciso ceder permissão de localização ao Google e permanecer com o GPS ligado no celular
Ok,Google, Add an event
Ok,Google, Add an event to my calendar
Google will ask you the following questions
What is the title of the event? When is the event? At what time? Do you want to save this? Ok, google, what’s in my calendar?
Ok, google, What is my calendar today?
You can see your calendar through the link below
Random things
Random significa aleatório.
It might say or do anything
Ok, google, spin the wheel
Shopping list

Add and check via voice
Ok, google, add banana to my shopping list
Ok, google, add (product) to my shopping list
Ok, google, What is in my shopping list?
See it on computer or tablet.



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